Do you remember this movie? The very young and handsome Tom Cruise and the beautiful Nicole Kidman racing to claim their piece of land together. They had to fight off others who wanted the land, but they wanted it more and took charge! While the land they were going to claim wasn't theirs yet until they claimed it, the idea of placing a stake in the ground and declaring "This Land is Mine!" resonates with me.
Joshua 1:11 says: "Go through the camp and tell the people, 'Get your supplies ready. Three days from now you will cross the Jordan here to go in and take possession of the land the LORD your God is giving you for your own.' " We have to deliberately take (go get, fight for) what God graciously gives us. "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you...(1 Chronicles 28:20) Ladies, we are in a battle. What is in between you and your land? Are you believing lies about yourself, is it fear, or someone standing in your way?
I love the fact that Beth Moore very plainly said, "Whatever you are scared of...that is usually exactly what God wants you to do, so go do it afraid!" We need to act first, and eventually our feelings will catch up. Does that concept make you squirm or what? Joshua 1:8 says "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." Our success will also be a direct result of our meditation. We need to be memorizing scripture and saying it out loud to combat our fears (feeling squirmy again?!).
I know I was bumped this week...i'm afraid of being afraid because I'm afraid of what God might call me to do! haha...does that make sense? Also, scripture memory is a weakness of mine and just the idea of it makes my heart palpitate. How were you bumped this week?
Just for fun...I had to post the very last and best scene of the whole movie! ..."Joseph loves Shannon!" haha
First of all, Laurie, you are awesome! I love hearing what you are thinking and how God is bumping you! I too was bumped in the area of fear. I've had a hard week this week and have had to call to mind Scripture to remind me where my source of peace come from. Satan loves to occupy my land of peace and tease me with fear! I have let him win way too many times! I do not want to give the enemy any ground!
One of my favorite life verses is found in Isaiah 26:3, "HE will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in HIM." More than anything I want to be a person who trusts my God, no matter what. The reward of Trust is Peace. That's something worth fighting for!
I loved the movie clip Laurie! Perfect for thinking about fighting the enemy for what is rightfully ours as an heir of God. I loved that Beth brought up Pride and Prejudice in reference to the gift we receive from God...Himself. Elizabeth almost misses the gift of Mr. Darcy due to her own pride and prejudice. I thought about how often do I miss the richness of God because I continually make decisions based on my own flawed, sinful sense of judgement. What am I settling for instead? The 6th confession of an heiress hit me right between the eyes. The creator of the universe and the savior of my soul considers me his portion. That is who I truly am???!!! What an incredible truth to receive. What a humbling and unimaginable truth. If I can allow such a gift of God to resinate in my being, there will be no room for my pride and prejudices to set up shop. I am so thankful for the gift of God's word!
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