you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a beautiful inheritance.
(Psalm 16:5,6)
What an interesting concept...I have inherited an estate?! Not only have I inherited an estate, but it has been assigned specifically to me! This week I've been challenged by the idea that it was not by chance that I was born into my family, live on Pasadena Avenue in Milford, or work at Children's Hospital ER. These are my boundary lines that have been drawn specifically for me. My field (estate) may look different from yours (and on some days I may want to sell/give/trade my estate), but God has a specific purpose and plan for where he has placed me... and YOU! I love that I can look at my estate from this perspective:
However, there should be no poor among you, for in the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, he will richly bless you. (Deuteronomy 15:4)
(SIGH) The thought of having an estate to manage seems overwhelming to me, but I am not alone! Not only did God give this to me to possess (take ownership of, manage), but he has richly blessed it. In addition, I have also inherited the very presence of God (Joshua 1:9), and help in managing my estate through people (the body of christ (1 Cor. 12)). That's right this princess did not inherit some old shack...I have a beautiful inheritance! Now it is time for me to take ownership of it.
Questions to ponder for the week:
Can you identify where your boundary lines have been drawn?
Who are the people God has placed in your life to help you manage your estate?
Have you embraced your land and taken possession (ownership) of it? Or are you trying to sell/trade/give it away?
Are you overly possessive of your land or people?
Princess' unite: I would love for you to post some of your answers on the blog, if you feel comfortable. Let's be praying for eachother this week!
1 comment:
I confess that I really needed a change in perspective regarding my estate (or field)! Many times I want to trade estates or I feel alone in my field, overwhelmed with the responsibility of the harvest. What an encouragement to be reminded that God (who is a good giver) has chosen my boundary lines on purpose specifically for me! He will richly bless me within that field and will NOT leave me alone! I have His presence and others that He has placed alongside me to help carry the load.
I pray that I will let go of what is not mine to possess and take hold of what is my beautiful inheritance with a gracious attitude. I pray for a renewed passion to serve My Father to the edges of my field with a loving & grateful heart!
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