Hello Ladies!
We are so glad that you have chosen to be a part of our group of women studying God's Word together through Beth Moore's "The Inheritance". This week Beth set the stage for our nine week session by letting us know that technically, each one of us is an heiress! How exciting is that?? If we believe in Christ as the Son of God, that He died for the forgiveness of our sins in order that we might live eternally with Him, we are children of THE KING! (John 1:12)
As a child of God, we are co-heirs with Christ. (Romans 8:15-17). We are to receive the full inheritance that Jesus is entitled to as God's Son.
So what exactly does that mean to me? What kind of inheritance is God passing down?
Here are just a few verses about the riches of our Father that Beth mentioned in the DVD that you might want to look up, meditate on or even memorize!
Ephesians 1:18 Romans 9:23
Ephesians 2:4 Romans 11:33
Ephesians 2:7 I Chronicles 29:11-12
Ephesians 3:8
As a child of God, an Heiress, we need to know what kind of "riches" we have access to while we are here on earth. It would be a shame to go through life an Heiress, with access to your Father's power, and riches, and never use them. That's what we will be learning about these 9 weeks. We want to take full advantage of our rights as an Heir with Christ!
Questions to think about:
1. Am I truly a child of God?
2. Do I represent my Father and His Kingdom well? Do I understand the riches and responsibility that are mine?
3. How do you feel about Beth's statement, "If you are bored, you are flat out, out of God's will!"?
4. Do you have a hard time "riding" with God as the driver in some areas of your life? Which areas are the hardest to give up control?
We have no clue how much God wants to give us! If we could grasp a portion of what our inheritance consists of, we would make pursuing the ONE who gives it, our only priority in life! (I Corinthians 2:9)
Our prayer this week is that this 9 week study will change each of our lives! That God would open our eyes to see what puny dreams we are holding on to in place of the reality that is our inheritance through HIM!
We invite you to share your thoughts about what God is showing you through this study with the rest of us! You are also welcome to post a prayer request and we will commit to praying alongside of you.
Can't wait to hear what God is doing in your lives!
Ok, guess I'll be the first to comment! The statement she made about "Being bored, is flat out being out of the will of God" hit me head on! For me it has caused me to look at my life and knowing that I one time (not long ago) I was completely involved in ministries at church and I had such a passion for it but then I allowed things in life (Satan) to diminish my love and passion for serving God and I fell away! But the past few months I have been longing for that passion, for the love and slowly buy surely I'm stepping out and exploring new ways to relight that passion. To some that may seem small, but for me who was totally and wholely involved it is huge.
And the whole "control freak" issues, ummm yeah, I have a LONG way to go on that one - check back with me in about 9 weeks and see if I'm doing any better :)
All week I have been asking myself what an heiress should look like, act like, be like? I'm having trouble getting Paris Hilton out of my mind now, but this is very exciting to think about! The one thing I know is that an heiress is very SECURE. She knows that everything is taken care of for her so she doesn't have a lot to worry about. This idea really speaks to me. It is a very strong position, being an heiress. We move in confidence and strength. We have lots of responsibility due to our position, but nothing to worry about. We are taken care of!
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