Monday, October 24, 2011

I am inheriting a Kingdom

Eventually we will inherit a kingdom (Matt 25:34), but while on earth the Kingdom is in us (Luke 17:21).   We are stewards of Gods property while on earth, eventually will be co-heirs/owners with Christ (Matt.25:14-29).

What does this mean for me?  Well, everything that I have been entrusted with has meaning.  You may be thinking well what exactly have I been entrusted with?  Beth Moore outlines it this way: My past (painful experiences, failures), Life experiences (things that give me depth), Our spiritual gifts (will be discussed in depth in future lessons).  How we use these experiences/gifts directly impacts our intimacy with God.  Have you searched your land and asked God to use your past/experiences/gifts for His glory? Are there areas of your life that you try to forget or are off limits? Those are the areas that God wants to sanctify and kick Satan off of!

This was a heavy lesson this week and left me speechless afterward.  I need time to digest everything and to be still and search my heart.  Have you taken time to search your property this week?

Favorite Beth Moore quotes of the week:

"Be faithful in what He has given me."
"The goal is to not be happy but useful." 
"Pain won't kill us, but meaningless will."
"He knows it's scary to be us." (Rom.8:18)
"Search your property and ask Him to sanctify it."

There were so many good quotes from this you have any favorites to add?

1 comment:

Val Arington said...

I agree Laurie, this was a serious lesson that required some heavy duty quiet time for me! I have been envisioning walking my "property lines" with Jesus and a flashlight, looking at my life from every angle and talking about it with Him. The thought that I probably have allowed Satan to stand on property that God had entrusted to me is alarming! It's not pretty but I am on an all out search and rescue mission!

Some of my favorite quotes this week were " Go back and claim every inch of your past for God's glory!" "Go back and gather up all your failures for God's glory!" "Nothing happened to you by accident, USE it all! Steward it all! If you don't the enemy will!"
"Whatever your crisis or circumstance is - stand and do it well!"

I want to invest the property that I have been entrusted with & use every inch for His glory! How amazing it would be to hear my Master say " Well done, my good and faithful servant, Come and share in your Master's happiness!" Woohoo! That's worth the hard work!