Have you ever misused or squandered the property that God has entrusted to you? According to 2 Chron. 6:36a, we all have. Some examples of how we may have been squandering our property: distraction, bitterness/unforgiveness, feeling sorry for ourselves. Do any of those resonate with you? For me, it's distraction. I tend to get distracted very easily by material things, by the internet, busyness, wanting to take a nap etc. I find this so interesting because Beth goes on to remind us that God is never without reaction to the misuse of His property (2 Chron. 6:36b).
Even though we may experience consequences from misusing His property, I find it kind of cool that God would use our consequences to woo us back to him. If I have to experience consequences, I love that it can be used to draw me closer to God (Luke 15:13-16).
This week was interesting how the parables were all intertwined and used for this session. The parable that stuck out to me this week was in Matt. 25:14, the parable of loaned money. I learned that we have been made stewards of what God has given us. At the end of our life we will have to turn back in what we have been given. I really want to be like the man who multiplied what he was given and when he brought it back to his master, he replied "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness." I want so badly to hear God say those words to me about the way I lived my life and how I used his property! However, I think some things need to change in my life so that this can happen.
Questions to ponder:
How have you misused your property?
Are you experiencing/or have you experienced consequences due to your misuse?
What needs to change about the way you use what God has given you?